Dr Katharine Barnes Nature Protocols, UK
Dr Katharine Barnes is the Managing Editor of Nature Protocols. She was awarded her PhD in 1999, from the Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK, for a project investigating the role of p53 in determining platinum anti-cancer drug sensitivity. She then moved to the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA where she undertook postdoctoral research in the Department of Pharmacology, focused on the phosphatase CDC25 and its potential as a target for anti-cancer drug development. She left laboratory research and moved back to the UK in 2001, becoming the Editor of Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. In 2006 she moved to become the Chief Editor of Nature Protocols, managing the editorial team for the journal’s launch in June 2006. She led the editorial team of Nature Protocols until November 2009, when she stepped down from the full-time Chief Editor role to become Managing Editor, working part-time. Since that time she has had stints as Acting Chief Editor of Nature Protocols (November 2015-October 2016) and as a Locum Senior Editor at Nature Biomedical Engineering (September – December 2017).