Visa Information

If you are travelling to Australia as an international attendee, you may be required to obtain an Australian visa for entry. Once you have registered and paid to attend the conference, you will receive a registration confirmation email and tax invoice. The Australian Government Department of Home Affairs have confirmed that this email and associated tax invoice is sufficient support documentation for your visa application. Please ensure that you carefully enter your email during the registration process as this address will be used to send your confirmation to you.

You are urged to apply for a visa no later than six weeks prior to travel. Residents of some countries may now apply for a visa online while others will need to apply at an Australian Embassy, Consulate or High Commission.

Please visit the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website HERE for more information on each visa category to determine which one is best suited for your application. For information on some of the more common visa options, click the links below.

You can also find more information in the Visa Application Fact Sheet and Business Conference Fact Sheet.

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